Certification Exam Testing

Certification exams are administered via an online process, at Board recognized testing centers, which include local community colleges and university systems.

Those wishing to take a certification exam should proceed as follows:

    1. Submit a completed examination registration form with all supporting documentation, listing the preferred testing center and preferred date, with at least 30 days advanced notice. If a local testing center cannot be found, Board administrators will endeavor to locate a regional option.
    2. Once the Board has confirmed that the testing location has agreed to the proctor request, your examination registration form is processed. You will receive a confirmation of the test date, time and location, and receipt of payment 45 days before your scheduled date.
    3. Please arrive at the testing site no less than 15 minutes before your designated start time. You will have two hours to answer 120 questions.
    4. You may call the Board 24 hours after exam completion to receive your score.

Copyright © 2025. National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology. All rights reserved.

NBDHMT · P O Box 758 · Pelion, South Carolina 29123, USA · 888.312.2770

The National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology is a not-for-profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under the United States of America Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) to ensure that the practice of diving medicine and hyperbaric oxygen therapy is supported by appropriately qualified technologists and nurses, through respective certification pathways. Funding is generated solely through certification fees and sales of Board merchandise. The National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology does not host or receive funding from advertisers or any other forms of business.

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Updated January 10, 2025