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Monthly Briefing July 2024

I have a few comments to share regarding Board approved training courses.

On the diver medic side, two new programs have undergone successful audits and approval. One is headquartered at the Mississippi Naval Special Warfare/Special Operations Program, within Stennis Space Center. A shout out to Board member Dr. Sean Hardy who donated much of his personal time to help align aspects of this impressive program with those of the civilian/commercial injured diver operational nuances. Attendance is limited to active-duty personnel. The second program is taught by HM Recompression Services personnel at The Professional Diver Training Center in Alvarado, Texas.

The hyperbaric training program jointly sponsored by Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, Washington and Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, Portland, Oregon discontinued offering their course last year. Dr. Jim Holm (Seattle) had retired and the hyperbaric program at Legacy Emanuel permanently closed. There is some good news over in the Northwest, however. We reached out to Dr. Holm’s replacement Dr. Nick Bird. Nick advised that he recognizes the value of this training opportunity and intends to reinstitute it at VMMC but needs a little time to complete his orientation and get fully established. He felt that mid to late 2025 would be reasonable target date.

Dick Clarke, President

National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology


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Updated April 1, 2024