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Monthly Briefing October 2024

The message below was sent to NBDHMT approved hyperbaric training course providers several weeks ago and included here as an FYI. If you know of prospective CHTs seeking preceptor-based tissue oximetry testing opportunities, please let them know of this policy change.

“Effective immediately, there is no longer a requirement for prospective CHTs to conduct three (3) preceptor-based transcutaneous oximetry studies upon completion of hyperbaric training as an examination prerequisite. Please advise your students accordingly and it would be helpful if you would also notify those who attended your course in recent years.

We have elected to make this change as there has been a barrier for some candidates to locate a facility willing/able to oversee this process if the technology is unavailable within their home facility. From a pragmatic perspective we are removing this requirement while academically promoting the continued importance of tissue oximetry testing within the hyperbaric medicine service. Consultation and case management of diabetic foot ulcers and other problem wounds is optimized, and wasteful health care spending reduced, when TCOM screening is employed. A related manuscript (Abstract attached) is currently under review by the Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine. It argues the ongoing value of tissue oximetry testing in the current era and its superiority over traditional and recently introduced point of care vascular screening options.

The Board’s recent analysis has confirmed that the TCOM training you provide remains comprehensive and robust. Thank you for that. As manufacturers do a good job of instructing staff when a TCOM monitor is purchased CHTs will be able to obtain proficiency as this technology is subsequently introduced into their facility. We are grateful for your continued support of the NBDHMT and its certification programs.”


Dick Clarke, President

National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology

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NBDHMT · P O Box 758 · Pelion, South Carolina 29123, USA · 888.312.2770

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Updated September 12, 2024